We held our 2nd meeting last Wednesday (2006-10-29) at the university of Gent (thanks Rudy!). I must say it was quite a small success again. Not because I was any good, but because of the attendees discussing various topics again. What I found personally very good is that there were lots of fresh people since the first meeting. Spread the word!
We pretty much did it by the agenda. I gave an overview of MySQL and showing that has changed since last meeting in August 2006. This is a required topic as long as we have new people coming in these meetings. However, I will keep make it shorter each time. MySQL Enterprise was a bit discussed, I spent 5 minutes trying to explain MySQL Cluster (need to rework my slides), and talked about next features in 5.1. All storage engines were discussed as well, like Falcon and the new 3rd party engines.
Next event will be probably in a more .. relaxed atmosphere. Maybe it will be held together with another user-group meeting in Leuven, but we are not sure yet.
So, I would propose that on next meeting everyone attending can put on a topic or a specific question. I will then check what’s most workable and answer/show something. That is: if we have a location where we can do this. In a pub, we will have other things on our mind!