It was begin November 2001 when I moved to Germany. I found a new job and moved my life just in a few days. For me it was not really a problem. I guess for my family it was. Some of my friends didn’t understand: “Euh? But but but.. Germany?!?”
Well, Germany is quite something. I like the people, I like the cities, I like the big empty spaces. Transportation is great inside Germany: trains, planes, the famous autobahn.. Beer is good, wine is good. Food is just normal. Prices are fair.So, what’s wrong in Germany? Well, a few silly things. Like the GEZ, or the mono-language culture. Weird changes with VAT going from 16 to 19% where smart people say VAT is useless.
Anyway, Germany is great! I am thinking maybe to move somewhere else.. But, I still need a good reason. Belgium is of limits for now to move back: to much people concreting the ground with their brainless buildings.
So, lets see where I’ll be in 5 years from now!