I’m starting to cook again and for that I bought some cheap hot-plates! It’s one that comes with two elements: a big and and a smaller one. The first days I only found use for the big element. Reason: I only had one pan.
Today I decided to expand my cookingware with one new pan for boiling stuff.
Ready to cook some chicken with broccoli and onions and.. BLACKOUT All silent. My 2 machines off, television shutdown and my fridge finally stopped making the annoying noise.
First reaction, unplug the hot-plates. Second action, curse myself hitting my knee against the bloody table!
The small element has problems. Just to make sure it was not a coincident I did it again. Lights went out second time. OK, I’m hungry, I want to cook, I want damn working hot-plates. Went out to MediaMarkt, asked my money back (which was no problem at all) and looked for a new one.
I bought again one for 29.99 EUR but from a different brand. I looked for something more expensive in the shopping mall but found nothing. The new one works fine…. the food? Already being recycled!