Yesterday I had to open OpenOffice spreadsheets and at some point I couldn’t anymore on my MacBook Air. Still on the beta, I installed the latest OpenOffice 3 stable, but no dice. My system went on to behave totally crazy again!
Now, today I tried fist to clean up the font databases. It didn’t prove to work for my previous problem, but well:
shell> sudo atsutil databases -removeUser
Now OpenOffice is happy and the ATSServer doesn’t go nuts on my CPU! Hopefully it will stay this way..
UPDATE: that didn’t work for my other account.. So, I went on removing some more stuff:
shell> sudo rm -Rf /private/var/folders/oq/oqUB8ER2GGuDcCkVN-aGqU+++TI/
Seems to go better.. Starting to wear me out..