I really like my iPhone: my best phone ever! But there are things on it that will prevent me recommending it.
Since I have a few Mac’s, I’m using .
Mac, as of today MobileMe, to synchronize my contacts and calendars. I’m really not using anything else from the service. However, MobileMe is a waste of money.
If you are in different countries, calling is a pain with a mobile. It’s even more expensive doing data transfers. This means that the ‘push stuff’ is totally useless in Europe. There goes my 100 EUR yearly subscription. I still need it though..
Another major pain for switching to MobileMe is lack of personal email domains. What am I with personal domain for a stupid website anyway? And it has to start with ‘www’? I think there are really people not part of this world working at Apple.
Maybe I’m stupid buying services from Apple. They do suck really. Love the machines and OS, MobileMe is crap. If it doesn’t change, I’m not renewing next year.