Removing Airport preferences on Mac OS 10.5

My problems last week magically solved themselves the day after. I’m not happy about that at all. I rather know what’s broken and how it got fixed, but it seems my wireless network is again stable.

However, since I bought a new wireless router, a Linksys WRT160N (which I wouldn’t recommend BTW), I had to change my configurations on my Macs. This proved to be very problematic on my old PowerBook G4, running Mac OS 10.5.4.

Here’s how I eventually got it to work:

  1. Make sure Airport is off.
  2. Remove /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ (I didn’t care making a backup, up to you)
  3. Open Keychain Access, and look for anything related to airport. Look for it in all Keychains. If you don’t find anything, you either never used Airport (wireless) or doing it wrong.
  4. Shutdown your Mac, and reset the PRAM. You do that by pressing the Option-Cmd-R-P keys, all at once, while your machine is booting, and before the grayish screen comes up.

Well, that got me my wireless network working again. It’s still screwed up though: I still see ‘Preferred Networks’ which I have deleted long ago. Also, if I say ‘Show Password’, it shows me a string of ********* which is not correct.

Anyway, I hope the above might help somebody.. Or if somebody could tell me what’s wrong, thanks so much!