One month: bye bye DSL and Mobile phone contracts

The past months I’ve been busy canceling every contract that binds me for more than a year to one company. The insanely expensive iPhone contract by T-Mobile and the excellent but expensive T-Online services are two of them. It was all payed by my employer. I say ‘was’, but I’ll keep my thoughts on that for myself.

I’ll save my company ±100 EUR every month, but how I’ll get online? Well, for phone I’m using pre-paid in 3 countries without these insane contracts. So no iPhone anymore, or I have to find 600 EUR to buy one not locked-in. In the countries I can be online (in Germany forbidden, see below), I’ll use pre-paid 3G connection.

In Germany you get taxed if you use Internet, have a mobile phone, or just a navigation system in the car by an organization called GeZ: legal maffia. So basically, I’m not going to have anything ‘online’ in Germany anymore.