Apparently, my talk at FOSDEM 2010 about Connecting MySQL and Python was the only one about Python? There should be more, or?
I have a hand-out ready in PDF. The slides are not usable without my chatter. It contains a few examples and links. Any comments, corrections, criticism.. are welcome!
The longer version of this talk will be given at the O’Reilly MySQL Conference&Expo 2010 in Santa Clara, California (USA).
I have a question which came to me when i was already home. You didn't really speak about performance if i recall correctly. How does MySQL Connector/Python stack up to MySQLdb preformance-wise? Have you run any tests?
Thanks in advance.
About your question, it was also raised during the talk. MySQL Connector/Python will have a performance penalty, but I'm hopeful to reduce it and make it as good as the interfaces using libmysqlclient.
There was a similar question on Launchpad, which I answered yesterday.
Hope this helps! Any tips to make the Python code faster without resorting to C, are welcome.
if time allows, i'll check out the code, though i am far from python guru status