MySQL Connector/Python 0.2-devel available

Next development release v0.2.0 of MySQL Connector/Python is available for download and testing. We still don’t recommend to use it in production: it is not beta or GA yet, but we are getting there.

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome through the Launchpad bug tracking tool.


  • .executemany() now optimizes INSERT statements using the MySQL multiple row syntax.
  • Setting sql_mode and time_zone when connecting as well as collation.
  • Raw Cursors can be used when you want to do the conversion yourself.
  • Unittests now bootstrap own MySQL server instance.
  • Tidying the source tree.

Full list of changes and bug fixes can be found online or in the ChangeLog-file, part of the distribution.

About: MySQL Connector/Python is implementing the MySQL Client/Server protocol completely in Python. No MySQL libraries are needed, and no compilation is necessary to run this Python DB API v2.0 compliant driver. It is compatible with Python v2.5 and later as well as Python v3.1 and later.