Renaming a file using AppleScript

The following AppleScript function renames a file. If you thought this to be a simple thing, try to write it without looking here below. I spend a lot time on this, I might not even use it, but here it is for other mortals wishing to lose weight exercising AppleScript:

to renameFile(oldAlias, newFileName)
 tell application "Finder"
  set f to item (oldAlias as text)
  tell f
   set ext to its name extension
   set nFn to (newFileName & "." & ext)
   set its name to nFn
  end tell
 end tell
 set tmp to my splitString(oldAlias as text, ":")
 set the last item of tmp to nFn
 return my joinList(tmp, ":")
end renameFile

No comments in code, I do not want to spoil your fun!

I needed while writing an export script for Aperture. Here is how I used it after a photo was exported from Aperture:

tell application "Aperture"
 set dstFile to (export imageSel using export setting defExportSetting to fldAlbum)
end tell
set dstFile to my renameFile(dstFile, imgId)


Van Deputte Eric

Hi, sorry for bothering you …

I’m very ignorant about applescript .. but as I use Filemaker Pro (fop) I need the possibility to rename - by starting a applescript- some little incoming file, which has always a different name to the same name “medini.txt” By doing that I can then automate a importscript (in fmp) ( = to import and delete afterwards the little file)

Would you mind helping me for this simple(?) script …?

I’m trying the following: - given a file with a random name p.e.: “11077_80523812.txt” ( downloaded from a website) - in a folder let’s say Macintosh HD: Medini - By starting the script I would like to be invited to freely select/choose this kind of file - AND so that after my selection the filename of the chosen file changes automatically to (always the same) name: “medini.txt”… So I would be possible to import it in my fop-database and (after the import) delete the little file (that I can already do in .. applescript ;-))

Eric Van Deputte Lennik Belgium

WTF? That many lines of ‘code’ to rename a file? Is there no ‘native’ method to do this? I’m new (and skeptic) to applescript but have to use it for a project…