MySQL Connector/Python v1.0.6 beta available

We released the second beta of MySQL Connector/Python v1.0. You can download v1.0.6 from the MySQL website and the change history can be found in the online manual.

Usually, beta releases do not have big changes, but we had to push some code which did not make the previous one and it really had to go into v1.0. The exceptions raised by Connector/Python are now mapped against the ‘SQLState’ found in the MySQL server errors. This makes it much easier to maintain and clearer which exception can be expected. It is, however, possible to override how errors are raised using the custom_error_exception()-function of the errors module.

We are also preparing our connector to support Python v3.3 which has now a release candidate out. Maintaining compatibility between minor Python v2 releases is a chore; keeping up with Python v3.x changes ain’t easy either.

This beta comes with a MSI distribution for Python v2.7. This hopefully makes it easier for Windows users to install Connector/Python since no shell has to be opened.

Some useful links:
