Aperture: add tags to multiple shot but beware of Primary Only

To apply a keyword to all your selected images using Apple Aperture 3, make sure to turn off the Primary Only mode using either the Edit-Menu, or the button in the right bottom corner that says [1]. It should be unselected like in the screenshot here below. You can then use whatever method to add keywords, e.g. using the Control Bar (press D) and its Keywords Controls (press shift D).

Make your hostname stick in MacOSX

Using MacOSX, when your ISP or wireless access point is changing your hostname, make it sticky editing /etc/hostconfig. Add or change the following line in /etc/hostconfig to reflect your hostname: HOSTNAME="your hostname" You could use [Terminal.app](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Terminal) to do this, but using Finder works too. Open a Finder window. Using the Menu: Go > Go to Folder.. In the dialog that’s opening, type: /etc/ /etc/ should now be available in your Finder window.

MySQL client tool and how to output newlines

This blog posts explains how to add a new line in strings in MySQL Stored Procedures and how to output the result using the MySQL client tool. Today I was fooling around with some stored procedure making it more fancy and stuff. What I wanted was the OUT variable to contain a newline. Easy of course, using CONCAT: mysql> SELECT CONCAT('foo','\n','bar'); +--------------------------+ | CONCAT('foo','\n','bar') | +--------------------------+ | foo bar | +--------------------------+ Now, if you concat strings in a stored procedure, it doesn’t work as expected when you run it through the MySQL client tool mysql:

If you could send 1 SMS to everyone on Earth, what'd it say?

Imagine you are sitting at some high-tech computer and you are given the opportunity to send everyone on Earth 1 SMS. What would you say using only 140 characters? It’s an unlikely event, but it’s technically not impossible. Not everyone will receive it at the exact same moment, but it will eventually reach almost everyone on this planet. SMS is probably the most direct way to contact people. **Forget e-mail, forget Twitter or Facebook, gosh, forget Television!


Sometimes I say things worth blogging: If you know something is coming, don’t wait for it.