The second development release of MySQL Connector/Python comes with support for Python v3.1! I thought of making two distributions of MySQL Connector/Python, but then it would have been messy with versions and packaging. So what you get now is 2-in-1 and the installation script should be smart enough to figure it out. Please, if you find any issues, bugs or have suggestions: report them here Download From LaunchPad!
MySQL Cluster: Listen and know what's going on
You’re not scared of writing clusterious code and eavesdropping is your favorite pastime at work? You want to know what’s going on in your MySQL Cluster but were afraid asking? The MySQL Cluster Management API can help you! Below you’ll find example C-code that will get you started with MGM API. It’s rather dull at first, but imagine you, instead of printing the event information, taking action. Imagine you starting another thread where you run some procedure which tells a monitoring system: “Hey!
Clusterious defined
clus·te·ri·ous |ˈkləstərēəs;| adjective highly pleasant to MySQL Support Engineers: *A clusterious issue a day, keeps the spouse away. · clusterful : a hard day. DERIVATIVES clusteriously adverb clusteriousness noun ORIGIN MySQL Support Team: via Sun Microsystems. Clusterious noun a rare variety of MySQL Support Engineers originally cultivated in Sweden.
If your AirPort magically doesn't work anymore: check IPv6!
Today I finally found out why my iMac can’t communicate with the AirPort Express. For whatever reason, I disabled it, but **IPv6 has to be On for the network interface you use to configure the AirPort! Either Automatically or Manually. My old iMac G5 and MacBook Air were both still using IPv6, so no problem there. This bugged me for a long time and worked around it using the other machines.
MySQL Connector/Python 0.1.0-devel: first development snapshot
Today we’re releasing MySQL Connector/Python 0.1.0-devel. This is the first in a serie of development snapshots aimed to get more people trying it out and reporting problems. This is not a production-ready release, but it should work on all Unices and Windows which has Python 2.4 or later installed. (No, no Py3K, yet!) You can download it from Launchpad: there is a .tar.gz and .zip There will be documentation and tutorial, but installation is as easy as pie (pun intended):