Sometimes something hits me, and I’m lucky to survive so I can write it down. The following was written on a tram in Kraków (Poland). It’s probably not beautiful, it’s just how I felt. We had a splendid night out however. Very depressing! Careful! A depressing chore. Sometime the world did go insane, Sometime someone pushed it down the drain, Sometimes blood colors the rain, and it never looked the same
Adding MySQL user and group on Red Hat/CentOS
For the DIY folks out there! You’re installing MySQL using the Generic Linux Binary tar ball? If you do, you’ll need to create a system user and group using useradd and groupadd. However, you would like to use the standard system IDs. No problem, Red Hat defines their standard system users and groups in their manual respectively as 27 and 27. Here are the commands to create the system user mysql and its group mysql:
MySQL Synonym of the day: LONG is MEDIUMTEXT
To me a LONG would be an integer. MySQL, however, defines it as a synonym for MEDIUMTEXT. So careful porting those projects to or from MySQL! mysql> CREATE TABLE a (id LONG); mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE a\G .. Create Table: CREATE TABLE `a` ( `id` mediumtext ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 A bug has been opened for documenting, but it is actually documented here.
Status on MySQL Connector/Python and Python v3.1
This weekend I’ve been busy porting MySQL Connector/Python to Python 3.1 in a new experimental branch. It is quite a challenge and I was advised to actually rewrite the whole thing for Py3K. However, after crawling through the TypeErrors and other exceptions I figured I did good with porting the code. It helps to re-factor some ancient, weird lines of code and learns me the new goodies coming with Python v3.
What are the timings shown in MySQL Query Browser?
Past weekend we got a customer request asking what the execution numbers shown in the statusbar of MySQL Query Browser really mean. Digging in the source and checking with developers, we got it explained and now hopefully documented for future generations. Lets execute a SELECT-statement using MySQL Query Browser (in Windows): SELECT * FROM django_admin_log d; 2664 rows fetched in 0,0659s (0,0016s) N rows fetched in F sec (Q sec), where