In a previous post we discussed how to start MySQL Cluster 7.0 with two management nodes. A nice new feature is that the 2nd ndb_mgmd doesn’t need the configuration file: it is fetching it from the other management node. In this article I will describe how we start this cluster after a shut down, changing configuration and do a rolling restart. The configuration The config.ini stored on the first management node:
Start MySQL Cluster 7.0 with 2 management nodes
We’ve seen a few people in the community struggling with the new management node features in MySQL Cluster 7.0. To be honnest, we sometimes in MySQL Support, are scratching our heads as well. This simple how-to will explain how to start a MySQL Cluster from scratch with 2 management nodes (and 2 data nodes). Note that this post is not about a rolling upgrade from MySQL Cluster 6.3. Here is the basic config.
Traveling by train to Kraków, Poland from Germany
Today I’ve been traveling by train for 17 hours from Aschaffenburg (Germany) to Kraków (Poland). Crazy? In love! But yes, also a bit crazy. I’ve been doing the journey by car stopping for the night, so it took me 2 days. The risk is also higher on the road than on rails. Flying is the other way, but then there is the ‘green’-factor. However, I was reminded by somebody that the plane is flying anyway.
Routes, crossings and pace.
We’re all following our own paths while we are strolling Earth. Most are free to turn or go back whenever they want. Others are bound to tradition, habits or even forced to go down an unwanted, dark alley. This is all going on pretty much at the same time, randomly in parallel. Lots of us cross at intersections, at turns or see each other from the opposite riverbank. We utter our helloes or just bypass.
All this whining about the MySQL docs..
.. DOWNLOAD IT ALL READY! Come on! It’s ready for download, so if is up, first thing you do? Yes, that’s right: download the manual! I have my copy incase I’m offline, on a train, or just on a UMTS connection where I have to save on bytes. Searching is a pain, but at least I manage. Offline! Think Offline! And think that you, at your desk, can be offline as well, alone, with your precious machines.