iPhoto '09 is disappointing..

The two, new features in iPhoto ‘09 I was interested in turned out to be uninteresting, for now.. Places: Only works if the camera has GPS tracking. My Canon 450D and 30D don’t have that. You can put a photo on the map, but you can’t move the pin to the exact location. Flickr Uploader: Really, really lame! FlickrExport for iPhoto is much more superior! I’m wondering with the Faces feature: if I’m splitting up my iPhoto library into years, can I share the Faces information between libraries?

Time Machine unreliable?

Yesterday I restored my iTune library from a backup after an external drive gave failures. The only thing that changed is the firewire drive is now 1Tb instead of 250Gb. At the moment of restore I could still see old backups from months ago. Today, Time Machine complained about it not having enough space. So, I opened up the Time Machine interface to remove some very old stuff.. Surprise! All backups are gone!

Restoring backup to new external drive using Time Machine

Waking up this morning I found my external rugged, firewire Lacie drive giving an error. It said: “The disk ” was not repairable by this computer. …” Did I panic? Of course not, I have Time Machine backing up my stuff! The problem: I had no room to restore it and it failed to restore on the external driving giving a weird ‘Error 0’. I bought a new external Western Digital 1TB drive, but how to restore from Time Machine on this new disk?

Importing iTunes library into Last.fm (on Mac)

Yesterday I started playing around with Last.fm (bit late maybe..) and tried out the Last.fm Mac application. It’s updating or scrobbling what I’m playing in iTunes to my account on Last.fm. Now, there is a feature which imports your playing history from iTunes. After digging a bit, I followed a tip clearing my Listening Data. This, however, didn’t help. After looking around in the application I found Diagnostics which allows you to view the log of the application.

Using RAW host disks in VirtualBox on Mac OS 10.5

The manual of VirtualBox has a section called Using a raw host hard disk from a guest which explains in detail how to use raw disks from the guest host. However, it’s a bit tricky on Mac OS as you have the disks automatically mounting. Here is a small HOWTO showing how to mount a USB stick (using Mac OS 10.5) so it can be used as the IDE Primary Master in VirtualBox.