Every time I pass by a hotel in the city, an over sized guy is patiently waiting, sitting on an uncomfortable chair, for guests. It is a weird looking lobby really. Just a few chairs and some kind of counter with a laptop on it. I’m only passing by for two seconds trying to absorb more information of the room. He’s always looking back, spying on the pedestrians, hoping one would enter.
Almost a month daily pictures!
We’re reaching the end of January 2009, and I’ve been busy making at least 1 picture a day. Sometimes very silly pictures like the dolphin statue. There are however a few good ones. During the past weeks, the main problem I faced was the lack of (natural) light. I tried to take pictures at night, with only the moon and streetlights helping me. I learned quite a bit. Here is an example of the river Main in Aschaffenburg (Germany).
Car still works!
After 10 minutes looking for my keys, I finally found the will to check on my car. For about a month it stood still somewhere in the street of Aschaffenburg. I feared that the rather extreme cold would have terminated the battery and broken the handbrake. But I started just as normal! Pretty neat. Now it can stand still another month until the weather gets good and the roof can go off.
CDH sent me its best wishes.. in French.. in Germany!
I got a, I must admit, nice letter from CDH, a political party in Belgium, wishing me well, and giving a list of propositions for Belgians living abroad. There are two problems with the letter however: 1) I’m definitely not Christian-Democrat; 2) my first language is Dutch. OK, nitpicking on the language, I don’t really care what language it is (I’m Belgian after all). However, why they send such letters not in English or bilingual then?
Daily 2009 picture(s)
I started 2009 by vowing I would take at least 1 picture each day and post them online. Yesterday my camera’s battery went dead after shooting around the house, so I’m using whatever I have (no, I’m not drawing! .. yet). Today it was my iPhone, but maybe tomorrow it would be the camera from my MacBook.The pictures are uploaded to Flickr, with comments. I don’t think I’ll have to blog about each single one.