My 5 Macs again without wifi, all at once

Again something mysterious that I thought was solved buying a new router (Linksys WRT160N, don’t buy BTW). Suddenly, my 5 Macs (2 iMac’s, Air, PowerBook and iPhone) can’t connect wirelessly, again. It’s SO frustrating, and any solution given online, turns to be no solution at all. I don’t get it. Maybe it’s just because of to much wireless networks around me? I only see 4 or 5 of them, of those that I can see that is.

The Green side of Some Abstract Type!

Yesterday I started a new blog to annoy the world with my boring stories on how I contribute saving our planet from ourselves. I’m small fish, but I think I do something nobel without being a bitch or a fundamentalist!

T-Dose 2008, a small summary

Today I got back from Eindhoven (NL) where T-Dose 2008 was held in the Fontys University of Applied Science. A nice venue, some good talks, but not to much audience. However, it’s was good to sync again with people there, and have interesting chats! What I liked were the license and foundation talks. It’s good to know more about the GPLv3 (which I don’t like to much), and it’s good to know how an association is build around an OpenSource projects.

ATSServer going crazy opening OpenOffice 3

Yesterday I had to open OpenOffice spreadsheets and at some point I couldn’t anymore on my MacBook Air. Still on the beta, I installed the latest OpenOffice 3 stable, but no dice. My system went on to behave totally crazy again! Now, today I tried fist to clean up the font databases. It didn’t prove to work for my previous problem, but well: shell> sudo atsutil databases -removeUser Now OpenOffice is happy and the ATSServer doesn’t go nuts on my CPU!

Small thing about restoring backups in MySQL Cluster..

One day we’ll change some defaults to be more realistic, but in the meantime, please make sure you have set your FragmentLogFileSize and NoOfFragmentLogFiles to something big! Like, if you have 20Gb, set it the size to 256Mb and number of log files to 176, something like that (watch the diskspace though!). The thing his, if you need to restore your backup, you will run into problems and it just takes time, precious time to get it back up!