Netways Nagios Conference 2008

The Netways Nagios Conference 2008 in Nürnberg (DE) was opened today by Ethan Galstad, creator of Nagios. He gave an overview of how Nagios evolved and the steady growth of the monthly downloads, now reaching 16k! The Nagios 3.0 overview was quite nice. Apparently lots of effort was put in optimizing it for bigger setups, like doing host checks in parallel and changing internal structures not using linked lists. Great was also to hear that the web interface is being revamped, as well as the Embedded Perl becoming some kind of plugin, called Event Broker Modules. == Rommel

My parents in Belgium are now more than 2 weeks without internet connection, because of hardware failure of their Linksys router. Apparently, if you don’t know where to run too, it’s hard to get decent replacement for a router in Belgium.. So, the internet provider they are using, Dommel, told my parents they can help if their wireless router was used. That said, payment done, payment received: No device yet! Worse, there at this Dommel-thing, they can’t even tell whether it was send or not!

Removing Airport preferences on Mac OS 10.5

My problems last week magically solved themselves the day after. I’m not happy about that at all. I rather know what’s broken and how it got fixed, but it seems my wireless network is again stable. However, since I bought a new wireless router, a Linksys WRT160N (which I wouldn’t recommend BTW), I had to change my configurations on my Macs. This proved to be very problematic on my old PowerBook G4, running Mac OS 10.

Apple Airport broke on 5 Macs simultaneously

During the day, while doing daily work, my old PowerBook lost network connection.. Just like that. My iMac next to it has exactly the same problem: they can’t connect to my wireless network anymore! I opened my MacBook Air, and tata.. FUBAR! iPhone also gone.. And my kitchen iMac too.. NOOOooo.. So, I thought, my wireless in my router is broken, and I started to look at my Fritz! Box Fon WLAN router.

First leg of my Main Square Project

I’m planning to drive the Main Square which is when you look from the sky to the the river Main, you can form a square. It will probably take me 2 or 3 days in total. Yesterday I took on the first leg, which is probably the hardest one. It goes from Aschaffenburg over Laufach, Neuhütten, Rechtenbach and ending in Lohr am Main. It was quite a tough ride through Spessart.