iPhone/MobileMe useless for business and travel

I really like my iPhone: my best phone ever! But there are things on it that will prevent me recommending it. Since I have a few Mac’s, I’m using . Mac, as of today MobileMe, to synchronize my contacts and calendars. I’m really not using anything else from the service. However, MobileMe is a waste of money. If you are in different countries, calling is a pain with a mobile. It’s even more expensive doing data transfers.

Reflection on Rock Werchter 2008

One of the best festivals in the world, Rock Werchter 2008 was again great! Some rain, lots of sun, a nice stench of alcohol and urine, ah, and good music! Some highlights (order of appearance, 4 days): The National: I missed it.. I missed it.. - I’m a big fan now! R.E.M.: they’re lost the momentum IMHO, but their new songs sound good Jay-Z: I’m no fan at all of the music, but this must have been the best hop-act in years on Werchter.

Apple iTunes gift cards unusable in EU

Nothing new, but I’m very upset that I can’t use my birthday present my sister and parents gave me: an iTunes gift card. They bought it through the Belgian iTunes store, but they didn’t realize I couldn’t use it since I live in Germany. Just now I asked Apple through the ‘feedback’ feature what I shall do. I wonder when I’ll get a rely.. Maybe we should get the music industry before court?

Hyperlink cells in OpenOffice using Find/Replace

I’m using spreadsheets from time to time to keep minutes of phone calls. Definitely not the best way to do it, but.. well.. In these spreadsheets I have a column with numbers and I want them to link to a website so it opens up the case the notes are related too. I ended up using ‘Find & Replace’ like this in OpenOffice 3.0 (should work since 2.4): Find: ([0-9]{4,5}) Replace: =HYPERLINK("https://yourwebsite.

Turning 31 today

Listening to The National’s ‘City Middle’ I wondered who Tennessee Williams is. Reading up, I learned how he died.. Choked on the cap of his eye drop bottle.. Anyway, another year browsing earth behind me, I celebrated and still celebrating it in my current hometown Aschaffenburg. Past night in the pub it was really great with Julia and Ingo surprising me with a birthday cake and candles to blow out! And some great gifts like a freshly made Freiwild MacBook Air sleeve.