Compiling Stackless on Mac OS Intel

I’m a bit fooling around with Stackless and spend some time trying to compile it. Hopefully this post might help other folks trying to build it on Intel Mac OS 10.5. If you are just like me and only read the instructions after the first attempt, you’ll probably run in the following error: ./Stackless/platf/switch_x86_unix.h:37: error: PIC register 'ebx' clobbered in 'asm' There is a hack which just involves removing the ‘ebx’ from line 37, but that’s what it is: just a hack.

June Web Montag in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

It was a beautiful day to start with, but rain and thunderstorms did mess with the barbeque planning Germans are famous for. So, lots of people attended Web Montag yesterday! Darren Cooper opened Web Montag this time. He repeated a few times “1st of September”, which is the next meeting in Frankfurt. For next events he really want to see more non-technical presentations. I think that’s indeed a good thing. Darren also got some good jokes, seriously!

Painting: Chanting Sea Lions

This is a painting I did last evening from one of my pictures. I thought making a big, printed poster of it, but that was too easy. So I went for gear and an hour later I had a moment of great satisfaction..

iTunes' brain-dead prices and services

I’ve been using iTunes for a while now. The music is good enough for me, and I don’t have to deal with the huge amount of jewel cases anymore. Price is OK, and buying music Sunday morning with all shops closed, it’s just ‘fun’. There are things however where iTunes is brain-dead. I’m forced to use iTunes Germany because I happen to live in Germany. I do speak German, but I am Belgian.

My Sakila Cube

This is maybe an old idea, but still great to do! Thanks to Ronald’s tip I could make the cube you see here. Just pure fun! Check out how to do on Ned Batchelder’s site!(Also thanks to Ronald Bradford, I can walk the earth with my good walking shoes! )