MacOS 10.4 and compiling MySQL stuff

I just re-installed my MacOS 10.4 (Tiger) from scratch. However, it’s more than just putting in the DVD and doing an upgrade.. This post is more a reminder for myself when I’ll have to do it again! For MySQL you’ll need newer versions installed on MacOS 10.4 of the popular GNU tools: automake, autoconf, bison and libtool. Otherwise you’ll notice it doesn’t really compile. You’ll find URLs here below and download the latest versions.

Rochester, i5/OS.. and lots new stuff!

Long time no blog again.. Well, lots happened which flipped my world again upside down and.. Ah well.. We’ll see how it goes.. blah blah blah.. Last week I was in Rochester, Minnesota, which is a central northern state in US. I flew in via Chicago and saw while landing at O’Hara Airport the Sears Tower after enjoying the beautiful great lakes. Later I flew into Minneapolis where I met up with my MySQL colleagues.

MySQL EMEA Support Team gathering!

I’m back from the MySQL EMEA Support Team meeting.. and it was just fantastic! Most know that MySQL is a virtual company and we don’t see to much colleagues. Most goes via our internal IRC server, email and phone. However, we in Support for example, try to meet up each year. This year we did it a bit differently by actually gathering and actively doing support together (in Bielefeld, Germany). You know, like in a real office!

MySQL 5.1 knows /etc/mysql/my.cnf

OK, this is maybe no big news and maybe old, but I needed an excuse to blog something! Since MySQL 5.1.15 the /etc/mysql/my.cnf has been added as default location after /etc/my.cnf. This is great and something I like keeping /etc a bit cleaner, but it might be tricky for some not knowing! I found this the hard way and a bit with red cheeks (I’m a MySQL Support Engineer after all.

2 years at MySQL!

That’s right! Today, 2 years ago, I started my job as Support Engineer at MySQL! Ups, and downs along the way, but hey, what love relation doesn’t have that! Great Company! To celebrate it I was given the opportunity today to give an online web presentation about MySQL Performance Tuning Best Practices. I’m used to give such seminars, getting better each time. But with this one, there were 2 problems: I was nervous because I couldn’t see the people, and second: it was in Dutch!