Learning German pronunciations

Yesterday, while going through the LEO dictionary (http://dict.leo.org), I stumbled on the following link: http://www.ex.ac.uk/german/abinitio/pronounce/ It’s a nice, simple site with some German pronunciations and exercises. I had some laughs already with it and I think I’m going to use that a few times in the week to get my German better. The thing I’m still missing is a

Pearl Jam comes to Europe! OMFG! Even To Belgium!

This is about the best news one can get on a Sunday morning, with the first coffee at hand! Pearl Jam comes, about 6 years after the tragedy in Denmark, back to Europe! Checkout the dates here: http://pearljam.com/tour/ Yes, that’s right, Belgium in Sport Paleis! I saw R.E.M. last year there. I might even go to the PJ concert in Berlin, just in case. If I could do a double salto, I’ll do it right now, but I’ll keep it to a single one.

The loo: international meeting point!

Sometimes when men pee, a conversations start. I guess women don’t really know what I’m talking about, but they got tools now to experience it! Anyway, last night I was at the pub and somebody started to talk to me while peeing. I replied in English as I didn’t get what he want. “Oh? American?” I replied I was from Belgium, hasting to the exit. “Ah! I’m born here, but my family is Romanian.

Picking up cooking

Cooking has dramatically been reduced for like 2 years, as I had to resort to my microwave/oven and steamer (no kitchen, blahblahblah..). Now, yesterday somebody said ‘hot sandwiches’, I thought ‘croque monsieur’. That was a great idea, and I needed a change too. Picked up my lazy-self to shop and looked for ‘croque monsieur’-tools. To expensive, and I figured my microwave could do that actually. Result: Moztonion! http://shoot.some-abstract-type-shit.com/main.php?g2_itemId=2310 Today I went further.

My cleansing tools!

If you wonder what modern tools I’m using for cleaning the floor, etc in my apartment, well here is the website! http://www.vileda.de/ Ok, I’m also using same stuff of other brands as Vileda is the more expensive one. Also, I’m not using the hyper-funky-mega-kickass-but-expensive bucket, my hands and a normal bucket just works fine for me! Maybe I make pictures of iet, watch my shootout for Stuff!